Brainspotting Happens!
The Rev. Martha S. Jacobi, PhD, LCSW

Phase 1
Specialization training
Pastoral ~ Contemplative ~ Spiritual Caregivers,
Clergy & Licensed Clinicians
While this training will be focused toward applications of Brainspotting in settings of spiritual care,
it is open to spiritual caregivers, clergy, and licensed clinicians of all faiths, religions, spiritual paths, or none.
This training will also enhance the skill of all clinicians
in working intentionally with their clients' sense and practices of spirituality.
April 28-30, 2023
Friday - Sunday
9 am - 6 pm
Eastern US Time Zone
Online via Zoom

What is Brainspotting?
Brainspotting is an approach to healing, wellness, and life expansion that is deeply rooted in the body's nervous system. As such, Brainspotting can support and deepen pastoral / spiritual caregiving across the breadth of religio-spiritual traditions. Brainspotting accesses the brain-body's innate self-scanning and self-healing capacities in the context of a neurobiologically and relationally attuned caregiving relationship. In Brainspotting, a person's brain-body activation around a particular issue is paired with a relevant eye and orienting position, called a Brainspot. Brainspots are theorized to access the neurophysiological subsystems holding emotional and/or physical experience in an often wordless but felt form of memory. The Brainspot serves to locate and hold such "memory files" open in a calm and grounded environment, allowing the brain-body system and relevant neurophysiological subsystems to re-organize in an adaptive manner to the present. When this happens, the prior activation eases; the person feels--and functions--better.
Early Registration ~ through Mar. 17, 2023 $745
Regular Registration ~ Mar. 18-Apr. 14, 2023 $795
Late Registration ~ Apr. 15, 2023 & later $845
3 online group consultations sessions will be offered following the training and are included in the cost of the training
Cancellation policy: by Mar. 17, 2023, full refund less $50; Mar. 18-April 14, 2023, 50% refund less $50; Apr. 15, 2023 & later, no refund
21 CE hours may be available through R Cassidy Seminars
All mental health (PhD, PsyD, LCSW, LPC, LMHC, etc) & other health professionals must check with their governing state licensing boards to determine eligibility for CEs. R. Cassidy Seminars is a National & NYSED Approved (#0006) CE provider

The Rev. Dr. Martha S. Jacobi, LCSW is a Senior Brainspotting Trainer and internationally known seminar leader, speaker. and writer. With nearly 30 years experience in clinical practice, she specializes in working with survivors of profound trauma and in creativity and performance enhancement for artists, performers, and athletes. She is a Specialty Trainer in Brainspotting and Spirituality, Religion, & Contemplative Practice, and in using Brainspotting with children. Martha integrates her background as a dancer and musician into her practice and teaching. She is Associate Dean for the Brainspotting Concentration in Behavioral Health at International University for Graduate Studies. A Lutheran pastor, Martha is affiliated with St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, West 46th Street, Manhattan. She is the author of several chapters and articles related to Brainspotting in clinical and theological publications.. Originally from Ann Arbor & Interlochen, Michigan, she now lives and works in New York City.