Brainspotting Happens!
The Rev. Martha S. Jacobi, PhD, LCSW

"Where you look affects how you feel"
Brainspotting is a neuroexperiential process of healing and wellness that is deeply rooted in the body's nervous system. Brainspotting has been studied and found to lead to transformational change that is emotional, psychological, and physical. Many people, from various religious/spiritual traditions, also report profoundly changed spiritual perspectives from their Brainspotting experiences.
Discovered in 2003 by psychotherapist Dr. David Grand, Brainspotting accesses the brain-body's innate self-scanning and self-healing capacities in the context of a neurobiologically and relationally attuned clinical relationship. In Brainspotting, a person's brain-body activation around a particular issue is paired with a relevant eye and orienting position, called a Brainspot. Brainspots are theorized to access neurophysiological systems that hold emotional and/or physical experience in an often wordless but felt form of memory. It is hypothesized that the Brainspot opens these memory "files" (neurophysiological systems), allowing the brain-body system as a whole, and the relevant neurophysiological systems, to re-regulate and re-orient to the present in an adaptive manner. When this happens, the prior activation eases; the person feels--and functions--better.
Brainspotting embraces a principle of radical uncertainty, acknowledging the vast terrain hidden in the depths of the human brain. Neuroscientists report that there are over one quadrillion connections in the human brain, which is more than the number of known stars in the universe! Brainspotting practitioners therefore work very much in the "here and now" with whatever their clients bring up in session, and seek to help their clients access the subcorical parts of their brain-body systems by locating relevant Brainspots on which the clients hold their gaze, in the service of healing.
For more information on Brainspotting, see
See ~ Spot ~ Heal